5 ways astrology can help you
Have you ever looked at your birth chart and been incredibly confused? What does all this mean? Why are people so obsessed with astrology? How can I even use this? Well look no further! This post can break down a couple of ways astrology can help you:
Find your ruling planet
Understand your themes
See how others influence you
Find your life path
Learn about what balances you
Your ruling Planet
The first way astrology can help you is understanding your ruling planet. You can find this by looking at your rising sign and seeing which planet that sign is ruled by. For example, I’m a Libra rising, the ruling planet over Libra is Venus. So when big transits are happening with Venus, I know that I’m going to be feeling that energy a little more than my friends!
2. Understanding Your themes
When we take a look at your birth chart planets, signs and aspects can start to show patterns in your life. These can be recurring lessons, such as boundaries with friends, a focus on spirituality, etc. Knowing that these elements in your chart can be life changing. It gives you power to accept these patterns and integrate the lessons they’re trying to teach you.
3. Seeing how others influence you
Your birth chart also covers major relationships in your life. For example, if you have a lot of Capricorn in your chart it can show your father/parent with more masculine energy has a huge influence in your life, regardless of how present they’ve been in it. We can use this information to untangle narratives from these relationships. Transits can also show an increase in people having an influence in your life. For example, a lot of planets transiting your third house could be a lot of energy around sibling relationships.
4. Finding your life path
Your North Node talks a lot about what your purpose is in this lifetime. The energy you’re growing into. This can show you where to step outside your comfort zone. If you’re feeling stuck I see the North Node as your north star, bringing you back to that deep sense of purpose.
5. Learning about what balances you
Everyone has some imbalances in their birth chart. Maybe there’s a lot of water in your chart. Maybe you have mostly fixed signs. No matter what the imbalance is, we can figure out what brings you a sense of stability and peace when this energy shows up for you. For instance, with lots of water in your chart you may want to think about the practicality of things before getting emotionally invested. All of this can be uncovered in an astrology reading.
If any of this interests you, I suggest trying out a birth chart reading.
If you’re looking for what’s happening in your life right now or what’s coming up, get more exact dates with a transit reading.
If you want to dive deeper in your relationships check out a couples astrology reading.