Am I Psychic?
Do you feel like you can read peoples’ energy easily? Do you have dreams that predict the future? There’s so many signs and signals that can indicate you’re psychic. In fact, I believe we all are psychic to some degree, it’s more about using your psychic skill to strengthen it.
So let’s break down some signs your psychic abilities are opening up further:
You’re seeing angel numbers everywhere and…
You feel connected to the meanings behind the angel numbers. Growing psychically means not only seeing the signs the Universe sends you, but also being able to interpret these signs. This doesn’t imply memorizing what the internet says about these signs and symbols. It means learning what these signs and symbols signify for you. For example, whenever I see the number 333 I know I’m in the right place at the right time. Whatever is about to happen next for me is divinely inspired.
spending time alone feels comfortable
Having time to yourself no longer feels like empty space. There’s a strong sense of connection with the world around you. Like never feeling truly alone in a forest because you can feel the energy surrounding you. It also can be feeling overwhelmed by the energy of others. If you feel this way, it may be time to ground a bit and practice protecting your energy. Don’t rush your psychic growth if you can help it, good things come with time.
Animals are drawn to you
Whether you’re getting greeted by every dog that walks by you, or are suddenly making friends with pets that are usually aloof, this is a big sign your abilities are opening. Pets are incredibly gifted intuitively. They know when someone understands them, or has the ability to understand them.
You just Know
You can’t explain it. Whatever it is that you’re picking up on about a person, creature or situation, you just know it to be true on some level. The real skill is trusting that gut feeling. Additionally, being able to differentiate that psychic nudge versus you’re personal bias. That takes time. Continue to stay grounded and test what you feel you know against reality. Ask your friends if something is true that you’re picking up on, you just might be right!
Those are the main signs I’ve noticed on my journey as a psychic and guiding others on their path. What signs have you noticed for yourself or those around you? Need help figuring out how to open up your abilities? Book a Psychic Reading with me.