What Is Reiki?

Reiki is a little hard to describe for most of us! We often rely on our experiences with reiki to paint the picture. Today, we’re debunking the mystery of what reiki is.

define reiki

The word reiki is broken down into two meanings. “Rei” (pronounced “ray”) means universal life energy. “Ki” (pronounced “key”) means breath.

Together the word reiki means an energy healing technique where you use universal life energy and breath to balance a person’s energy.

what does reiki do?

Reiki balances energy and removes blockages (energetically, spiritually, physically, mentally & emotionally). It also works intuitively, going where energy is most needed in a healing session.

How does reiki work?

Reiki energy moves through the Reiki Practitioner’s hands and into your aura and/or chakras. This energy work creates space for healing. This allows you to take action towards healing your own life.

Those are the basics of what reiki is! I hope this helped, if you have any questions feel free to DM me on instagram @fatedhealer. Happy Healing!


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